Birthrate Plus ® has a long-standing association with maternity services in New South Wales.
Birthrate Plus® has been implemented across 21 maternity units State wide (representing 67% of births in NSW!) under the watchful eye of a Birthrate trained locally based Project Manager.
Birthrate Plus continues to be used in Australia, and over 12 years since our work began there it is pleasing to report that the Centennial Hospital for Women and Children in the Australian Capital Territory will be going ahead with the Birthrate Plus® methodology through a licensing agreement with Birthrate Plus® and the expert support of the Midwifery Manager for Birthrate Plus® from New South Wales.
BR+ is delighted to confirm that that licence terms will continue with the Department of Health and Humans Services of Tasmania. The study will be carried out by staff with extensive experience from New South Wales Health Department, with oversight from BR+ UK staff. Initial results are expected to be available to policy makers later in 2017.
As well as providing expert advice for appropriate service levels in Tasmania, the study will give BR+ a further opportunity to validate its methodology and tools in another international environment, building on work already completed in Ireland and New South Wales.