Birthrate Plus and Better Births

BR+ is an evolving methodology, that strives to keep up to date with developments in the way that maternity services are organised and delivered and the way midwives work. At the heart of BR+ is a focus on the needs of mothers and babies. We constantly review internal data from Trusts using BR+ tools, national policy in the four UK countries and published research, to ensure the tools are robust. We work with national bodies including the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), NHS England (NHSE) and Health Education England (HEE) and believe it vital that the methodology we use, is not only robust but credible. This approach allowed us to gain NICE endorsement last year.

In England, the national maternity review Better Births, has set out a vision of how maternity services should be delivered to meet the changing needs of mothers and babies, including continuity of carer. We are currently working with a range of national stakeholders including the RCM and NHSE and early adopter sites, to assess the impact of Continuity of Carer on safe staffing. This work will feed into national guidance due later this year and be reflected in the service we provide in the future.

In addition we are bringing together an expert group to review the workforce requirements in postnatal care this autumn. This will allow us to enhance the information, guidance and support we provide to Trusts.